
Welcome to our 2024-2025 Education Season!

Classes begin Tuesday, September 3, 2024

CTA OPEN HOUSE – SATURDAY, August 24 from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

To find the classes, camps, audition dates, and performances that are right for you click “SEASON BROCHURE” and when you are ready to register click “REGISTER”. Registration will open July 15th and will close in November. If you have questions, please call us or email us and we would be happy to help. Previous students will receive placement and eligibility emails before enrollment, and new students are recommended to reach out for placement suggestions.









The CTA season runs September through April and will conclude with CTA CenterStage in May. CTA classes still meet during USD 305 in-service days, however, the following breaks follow the school district schedule:

Labor Day
Thanksgiving Break
Winter Break
Spring Break

For the most recent information on closures, please refer to the Center for Theatre Arts Facebook page.



Tuition varies between classes and seasons.



Monthly payments are due on the first of every month, no later than the 10th. A late fee of $5 will be incurred on your account for all accounts received past the 10th.  Lessons will be suspended for accounts 60 days past due. Tuition is non refundable, regardless of attendance. All payments should be made directly to the office personnel so a receipt can be issued. Registration will only be considered complete once a payment has been made. No one will be permitted to take class without first paying.  Returned checks will be assessed a $25.00 charge.

Any student who registers for two or more classes in the same semester is eligible for a 15% discount. Discounts cannot be combined. One discount per person, per semester. Discounts not available for special workshops or camps.

Center for Theatre Arts turns no dedicated student away for inability to pay. Click the SCHOLARSHIP tab above for more information.




CENTERSTAGE AND OTHER PERFORMANCES: All school year classes, unless otherwise indicated, perform at CenterStage, our annual May showcase demonstrating the skills learned in class throughout the year. Summer session students do not perform in the recital. Ticketing information will be emailed by the Education Director. If a student misses four or more classes during the 2nd semester, the CTA Education Director and teachers reserve the right to withdraw that student from performing in CenterStage. Certain classes may be asked to perform for additional special events throughout the year.


COSTUMES: Costumes for CenterStage will be selected by teachers and announced to students by March. Pricing ranges from $10-$100 and must be paid in full before the student receives their costume(s). A costume deposit will be charged at the beginning of the year. Costume orders are non-refundable, regardless of CenterStage participation.


DROP-OFF AND PICKUPS: Teachers will be present at least 5 minutes prior to class. Please do not leave your students unsupervised before this time as students are not to use studios without staff supervision. Students up to 8 years old must be dropped off and picked up from their classroom by a guardian. Please be prompt, as adult supervision concludes at the end of class. Students should use the north white door or brown door marked “Stage Door 1” on the west side of the building to enter the building for classes.


We ask that students wait for rides indoors to ensure their health and safety at all times. We ask parents to please be aware during pickup times that students may be crossing through the parking lot.


SCHEDULE: CTA follows the USD305 schedule for weather and holiday closures. These cancellations will be communicated via email by the Education Director and/or teachers. Individual class cancellations will be announced by the teachers and a makeup class will be scheduled to the best of our abilities.


DRESS CODE & CLASS CONDUCT: Each class has a specific dress code that is outlined in our brochure. Gum, candy, toys, food, smoking or beverages other than water are not allowed in our studios. Cell phones are to be used for classroom purposes only, such as videoing choreography or voice recording vocal parts. Students are responsible for bringing class necessities such as dance shoes, water bottles, pencils or other additional needs as specified by teachers.

Lockers are available for rent for $5/semester outside of the Rehearsal Room. Students may bring locks from home to secure their belongings in their rented locker for the duration of the semester should they desire.


At CTA, we understand that words have weight even on the toughest days, and will speak with kindness and honesty. Theatre Salina and Center for Theatre Arts have a no-tolerance policy when it comes to racism, sexism, body shaming or harmful language of any kind. CTA students are a CTA representative and their conduct reflects on our organization. All students’ presence has value in the space, just as much as the person next to them. No one student has more value than the other, regardless of age, experience, title, role, or class load.


CLASS & SESSION CANCELLATION: Class registration minimum is 4 students. Class sessions may be canceled due to low registration. In that event, a refund will be distributed and alternate classes will be suggested for students. In the event that a date of class must be canceled due to teacher conflicts or low class attendance, a makeup date will be offered as the schedule permits.


ABSENCES & CLASS WITHDRAWAL: If your child will not be able to attend his or her scheduled class, please contact the class teacher in advance. No tuition adjustments are made for missed lessons. Should a student need to withdraw from class, please notify the Education Director or Business Manager. Billing will continue until notice has been given directly.


TUITION: Tuition is posted on the 1st of each month. There will be no refunds after the first scheduled class, whether or not the student attended those classes. We offer a variety of payment methods including ACH, VenMo and credit card. Once your child is registered, you are responsible for making payments regardless of student attendance. Participation in CenterStage at the end of the season is only guaranteed for students in good financial standing. Overdue accounts will not be able to participate.


MEDICAL: In the event of a medical emergency, if we are unable to contact a guardian/emergency contact, or if time does not permit, we will take the student to Salina Regional Health Center or use the 911 service. Expenses incurred will be paid by the guardian or student.


VISITORS: Visitors are not allowed in the classroom. All children present in classes must be registered. Parent observation days may be scheduled throughout the year by the teacher if they occur.


STUDENT/TEACHER INTERACTION: Some classes may need instructors to make hands-on contact to adjust alignment or demonstration proper motion, particularly in dance. Teachers will ask for consent before proceeding. Teachers and students are expected to respect everyone’s physical space and boundaries. Students have the right to change their minds as to what they are comfortable with and can make their boundaries known.


REMOVAL FROM CLASS: Should a student be disruptive or disrespectful, they may be asked to exit the class. Should the behaviors continue, a meeting will be set up with parents, the student and Education Director to create a positive and progressive plan of action. If the behaviors still continue, the student will not be welcomed back to class.


If you have any questions please contact  Maggie Spicer Brown, Education Director, at 785.827.6126.




Center for Theatre Arts turns no dedicated student away for inability to pay. CTA students wishing to receive financial assistance must apply for scholarship. In order to offset the cost of operating the youth programs we ask that everyone pay at least 60% of the tuition for the classes/workshops you enroll in. This ensures we can continue paying our highly qualified staff. Any student, parent/guardian receiving scholarship is asked to repay the theatre with volunteer time.

Two types of scholarships are available, need based, and merit based. Need based scholarship applications will be reviewed and when approved, CTA will scholarship up to 40% of the student’s cost. The student or parent/guardian of the student will be responsible for paying the unscholarshipped portion of tuition. Need Based Scholarship applications may be submitted with the Google Form listed here:

Need Based Scholarship Form


Merit based scholarships are by invitation only, based on teacher recommendation and confirmed by at least one other CTA instructor. Merit scholarship students must have been enrolled for both fall and spring semesters of the previous school year with more than one CTA teacher, demonstrate strong leadership in the classroom, and show dedication to the program.

Every scholarship student will receive a specific volunteer assignment they are to complete throughout the year, along with a corresponding hourly rate that will be used to repay the scholarship moneys. All scholarship tuition will be earned through specifically assigned volunteer time.

Theatre Salina is a not-for-profit organization and we rely on the community for support to keep our programs running. Though some of these tasks may seem menial, please know that the theatre staff performs these tasks the rest of the year when volunteer help is not available.

For additional information, please reach out to the scholarship department  Maggie Spicer Brown, Education Director, at maggie@salinatheatre.com or Elizabeth-Ali Schade, at ali@salinatheatre.com.



Center for Theatre Arts is proud to offer a selection of performance opportunities, for more information please visit our Get Involved Page.